Children’s Ministries: November and Beyond

Hi Everyone,

Hi Everyone,

How is it already time for another monthly update?! Let’s kick off November with some thankfulness! I am extremely thankful for my St. James family, and getting to work as the Children’s Ministries Coordinator. With that, I am also thankful that I get to walk to work! It’s the little things, you know?! What are you thankful for this November?

With all the holiday activities coming up, November and December will go by quickly! Something new Children’s Ministries is adding to our calendar is serving hot chocolate on the lawn after the 10:15 a.m. service once a month. This will be attended by the 4th & 5th graders! All donations received will be donated to rebuilding Western NC. We hope to continue this throughout the winter and spring, as we know restoring after immense damage takes months. On those Sundays, the 4th & 5th graders are invited to enjoy a bite to eat together afterward. Further details about this will be given to parents of 4th and 5th graders.

Here is a breakdown of Children’s Ministries’ Schedule:

  • November 3rd: Children’s Choir sings on All Saints Sunday at 10:15 a.m. service *meet in the yoga room (upstairs, Milton hall) before service begins if you’re singing in the choir
  • November 3rd: Out of Darkness Walk, 2:00 p.m., St. James Parish
  • November 17th: Serve hot cocoa on the lawn after 10:15 a.m. service
  • November 24th: Wreath making at Mt. Lebanon at 4:00 p.m., followed by service at 5:00 p.m. (Deadline for Christmas Pageant Sign-ups – SIGN UP FOR THE CHRISTMAS PAGEANT)
  • December 1st: Christmas Pageant practice begins, 9:10 a.m., Yoga room
  • December 8th: Serve hot cocoa on the lawn after the10:15 a.m. service, 4th and 5th graders get lunch downtown afterward
  • December 15: Dress rehearsal for pageant after 10:15 a.m. service
  • December 22nd: Christmas Pageant during 10:15 a.m. service

Pre-k students through 1st graders continue to learn about Jesus through the Gospel! To do this, we bring in play with sensory objects; and move the body while learning, like going on a prayer walk or searching for Jesus’s light around the church. 2nd and 3rd graders have spent time learning how to use the Bible. Now they are using those tools to find Jesus’s Kingdom Parables throughout the Bible. 4th and 5th graders are working their way through the movie Chronicles of Narnia by watching it in 15-minute increments, then using art to process what they’re learning.

Although it’s a full schedule, I am excited for what we get to do at St. James over the next few months! Please let me know how St. James can support you and your family during this busy time. We are thankful you’re here!

Be well,

Taber Stockstill-Tornes

Interim Children’s Ministries Coordinator

If your child attended VBS this year, please stop by Taber’s office, in Milton Hall, to grab their bag full of crafts and t-shirt.