From the Rector ~ November 2024

“I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters, in the midst of the congregation I will praise you.”

Hebrews 2:12

Dear St. James Parish Family,

November’s arrival always delivers an intuitive season of gratitude and reflection. The celebration of Thanksgiving certainly anchors this perspective. At the same time, our daylight is becoming shorter and the colors and temperatures are changing – late fall into early winter. All of this, in my mind, adds depth to our shared sense of home and community.

On a recent Sunday morning, we heard in the book of Hebrews (2:12) the opportunity we are given every day to praise our loving God in community.

In this particular November of 2024, I want to call on all of us to be deliberate and intentional about our community, as we witness our nation preparing for this passionately contested election. As I affirmed in my sermon on October 6th, there are many different perspectives gathered within the St. James family. And yet we remain in community – faithful Christians – deeply bound as brothers and sisters by the gift of God’s grace and Christ’s love, around His table and in this abiding relationship with one another. That will not change after November 5th. I pray we keep this in mind and in heart – moving forward together.

Wonderfully, we are given this month a terrific and unusual opportunity for joy in community. On Sunday morning, November 24th, as a part of our morning gathering and worship, St. James Parish will be celebrating our 295th birthday! The day will include a launch of potential initiatives and programs over the next five years, as we prepare to celebrate our 300th anniversary in 2029. All are invited to a special presentation in the Great Hall at 9:10 am by members of the newly forming TriCentennial Committee, and an open invitation for your creative thoughts and ideas. In addition, there will be a reception after our 10:15 am service, which will importantly include a birthday cake. I’ll be so happy to see you all there.

May I also remind you to join Jennifer and me in making a personally meaningful pledge before November 24 to support St. James Parish in the 2025 fiscal year. As I mentioned in my Stewardship Letter, our annual commitment serves as a powerful investment in our parish each year, providing tangible support for our new and robust programs and the maintenance of our significant (and aging) facilities here on this full city block, as we all strive to keep St. James a special place filled with joy for us all.

May we continue our call toward the mission and ministry of praising God and then serving others in Jesus’ name.


The Rev. C. Phillip Craig, Jr.

[email protected]