From the Rector ~ December 2024
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
John 1:5
Dear St. James Family,
The season of Advent is upon us, with the remarkable invitation to once again orient our hearts and minds toward a vision of hope and peace. Indeed, this season is a tangible reminder of the one true Light that shines in the darkness of our troubled world and offers transformation here and now.
Advent is also a reminder of our own role as bearers of that same light, and how the world might be affected by our humble acts of love and service to others. So then, let us prepare our hearts and minds to remember the birth of the Christ child, and to represent his kingdom here on Earth.
In this season of Advent, please join in the faith formation offerings described in this edition of the Grapevine. There are many ways to engage with the season of Advent. Sunday morning Advent worship binds us together as a community of faith. In addition, we encourage you to pick up a Living Well in Advent devotional, or Jay Sidebotham’s traditional one-page Advent calendar. Both of these devotionals offer an easy opportunity to spend a quiet and intentional moment with God each day.
As always, these resources serve to help us build connections and relationships with one another, to offer inspiration and illumination, and to remind us of the gifts we have been given in this fragile world. May our community see and know that the St. James parish family, in word and deed, is actively preparing the way for the One who is truly transformational.
Let the light of the Christ child shine brightly in the darkness, and bring hope, love and peace to our world and to our hearts.
The Rev. C. Phillip Craig, Jr.