From the Rector: Hurricane Recovery
Dear St. James Parish Family,
We are all shocked and saddened by the immense damage brought about by Hurricane Helene, and the ensuing grief and pain for so many families and communities. As people of love and faith, our first desire is to offer care and assistance to those who are suffering. In particular, our hearts and minds are connected to our fellow parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina, and also our dear friends at Glory Ridge and in the nearby Madison County town of Marshall.
In these days following the storm, our diligence with intentional prayer for all who have been affected will be valuable and important. In addition, this is an appropriate time and place for tangible financial support. Through the office of Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD), our church has a well-structured and organized manner to provide immediate ground-level assistance to families and individuals affected by the storm.
I invite all of you to participate in our parish response this coming Sunday morning, October 6th, through a special gathering of care and support. During our traditional offertory collection, all cash and designated checks will be directed in one large gift to ERD. If you would prefer to make a contribution sooner, there is a direct link to ERD below.
It is important to note that tragedies often and sadly foster illegal and aggressive scams. Please be mindful of all who approach you for assistance, and know that no member of the St. James clergy or staff will ever reach out to you directly by email or text for a monetary gift.
There will be much more to do in the future, as other opportunities present themselves for us to offer our hands and hearts of love. We will most certainly keep you informed along the way. Thank you for being a part of our mission, and I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday morning.
Faithfully, and with love,
[email protected]