Dear St. James Parish Family,
I am thrilled to announce that the Reverend Elizabeth Phillips has accepted my invitation to become the next Associate Rector of St. James Parish. Elizabeth and her husband Hank will be moving to Wilmington in February, and Elizabeth will begin her work on Sunday, March 2nd.
A graduate of both Duke Divinity School (Master of Divinity) and Virginia Theological Seminary (Diploma in Anglican Studies), Elizabeth has been serving as Priest-in-Charge of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Quantico, Maryland.
In all of my conversations with Elizabeth, I find a person of deep faith and a good heart, fully founded in her desire to build relationships and serve Christ in all areas of the priesthood. I know her unique gifts and skills will complement the work of the clergy here, and we will be blessed by her ministry.
Elizabeth and Hank will be present at our Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 26th. I look forward to introducing her to all of you at that point. Please take a moment to read Elizabeth’s message. I invite you to keep Elizabeth and Hank in your close prayers as they begin their transition into Wilmington and our parish family.
Welcome Elizabeth and Hank!
The Rev. C. Phillip Craig, Jr.
Dear St. James Parish,
The year ahead is bursting with great promise for all of us. St. James Parish possesses incredible positive energy. That energy, I believe, is generated by a congregation that carries within each and every individual heart a love of neighbor born of a genuine love of God. It is clear that this kind of love and vitality is reflected in and through your Rector Phillip. My life in ministry is powered by this same devotion anchored in our Lord which is one reason why I believe God is calling me to journey alongside all of you at St. James.

My journey into ordained ministry began many years ago as a single mom teaching Sunday School on weekends while working full-time in banking. Teaching the 5th grade class was a highlight of my life for more than ten years. It was during this time that God placed on my heart the desire to do more to further God’s kingdom on earth. As the years passed and my relationship with Christ grew deeper, God’s call became the beacon of light drawing me away from a 29-year career in banking and into seminary.
In a very switchback kind of pilgrimage, I completed a Master’s in Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School only later to complete a Certificate in Anglican Studies from Virginia Theological Seminary. In the time in-between, I studied to be a Spiritual Director from the Haden Institute – Mt. Carmel Monastery in Niagara, Canada.
All of my formal theological and spiritual training came to a profound point on October 21, 2023 when I was ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church. Since that time, I have served as Priest-in-Charge of a small parish here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland among a loving faith community. Now, God has placed on my heart the mission to share the gifts God has given me with another wonderful faith family.
My life in ministry could not have been possible if it were not for my best friend and soulmate; i.e., husband, Hank Phillips. He has been a true source of strength and encouragement for which I am forever grateful. Hank and I are looking forward to meeting all of you and sharing this crazy journey called “life in Christ” with you. May God’s grace and wisdom continue to fill you and guide you in all things great and small. You remain in my prayers and are the beacon of Christ’s Light upon my horizon.