Vestry Corner ~ June & July

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Mathew 25: 40.

All of us are made in the image of God, yet some over time become more vulnerable than others. They may be socially or mentally or economically disadvantaged. As Christians, we are called to address their needs. We have no excuse to neglect those who have deep needs. That is where SJP should and must step in. We will never satisfy all of the needs, but that should not keep us from trying.

At the recent OutReach informational gathering, we discussed the many different ways our Parishioners strive to help the less fortunate. It is not always about the money, although money is often needed. Helping others is as much about service, about volunteering your talents. Jesus calls us to be good stewards of our resources, both time and money. SJP is so fortunate to have so many members who give so freely of both. Can you imagine the impact if each of us gave a little more of either, or both?

We’ve entered the “summer season” at SJP. While activity around the Parish may have slowed, the needs of our church and community continue. We should not wait to be asked. To continue our spiritual journey, we each should look for ways to volunteer to help others, and then step in. There is always a need for more to be contributed.

The plans for the Tricentennial Celebration are underway, with some exciting opportunities being discussed. The Celebration will kick-off in late November of this year, and will focus on our rich 300-year history and the role that SJP has played in our lives and in the community. As we recognize with gratitude the fruits of past leaders, we will also be looking to the future for ways to better serve the mission of SJP: “To welcome all to grow in love of God and neighbor.”

Blessings to all for a healthy and safe summer.

Alex Murchison – Senior Warden

Rachel Colonna – Junior Warden