We extend a sincere welcome to you and we hope you will come and find your place at St. James. We have long been an active, working church with parishioners who play a vital role in parish ministries and community life. The range of St. James' ministries is as broad as the interests of its members.
Christian Formation for children endeavors to support and supplement the family's efforts to raise children as followers of Christ. Children's Formation includes Sunday classes as well as seasonal festivals and intergenerational events. Preschool ages 2 to 5 years, and grades 1 through 5 use a lectionary-based curriculum enhanced with art and music. Middle school classes include confirmation preparation and current event issues. Senior high classes engage in weekly Bible study from a young person's perspective.
St. James Parish occupies a full city block in downtown Wilmington, surrounded by Market St., 3rd Street, Dock Street, and 4th Street. Parking is available through the week and on Sundays on Market, 3rd, Dock and 4th Streets, adjacent to the church. Although the street parking is free, please note that on weekdays, parking on Market, 3rd and 4th Streets (other than the block of 4th Street behind the church property) is restricted to 2 hours, after which parking fines may be imposed by the City of Wilmington.
Membership at St. James, as with any other Episcopal parish, is governed by Canonical requirements of the Episcopal Church. It begins with the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, it continues with confirmation or reception by a bishop of the Episcopal Church, and it is maintained through a continuing commitment to the mission and ministries of the local parish.
Thank you for supporting the mission and ministry of St. James Parish! For more information see our give page. To give a gift now, click the button below. To pledge, please login to Realm and follow the instructions in this video. Let us move Forward Together with Joy, Gratitude, and Generosity!
On behalf of the wardens and vestry of St. James Parish, we want to thank you for being a part of the Community of St. James. The contributions and the faithful ministries of all who served in various capacities across our parish have helped this parish to fulfill the mission and ministry to which we are called. Let us move Forward Together with Joy, Gratitude, and Generosity!
The St. James Parish Foundation was established in 2003 with the mission of supporting the needs of St. James Parish’s wonderful and historic church campus in perpetuity. The Foundation supports its mission by providing financial contributions to the Parish through targeted distributions for capital or specific campaign-related needs. Those contributions are through the assets that have been so generously donated to St. James Parish over the years by its’ congregation. You can easily donate online! DONATE ONLINE HERE
As we step into the promising year of 2025, we are filled with joy and gratitude to have so many of our beloved family and friends by our side. Reflecting on the past month, December was truly a time of warmth and celebration as we gathered together for beautiful Christmas services. We extend our thanks to all those who worked tirelessly throughout the season to make our Church Parish shine with hospitality, love, and the spirit of community. Your dedication and hard work did not go unnoticed, and we are deeply grateful for the care you’ve given to our shared space.
As we turn the page to the new year, January brings with it a busy yet exciting time for our Parish. The Vestry will be engaged in several important rounds of business, including confirming the total amount of pledges received for 2025. These meetings will allow us to craft a balanced budget that supports our goals and ministry in the year ahead. Once the budget is finalized, we will present it to the congregation during our Annual Meeting. Additionally, we will be voting on the new Vestry class to join us in leadership. Please make a note on your calendar for Sunday, January 26th, as we come together to hold this important gathering. We encourage all members of the Parish to attend, participate, and be part of the decisions that will guide us forward.
The start of a new year is traditionally a time for self-reflection, renewal, and personal growth. In the spirit of this tradition, the Vestry has decided to dedicate time to collective reflection. Later this month, the Vestry will come together with the Foundation Committee for an evening workshop focused on sharing ideas, visions, and aspirations for the future of Parish. During this quiet, thoughtful session, we hope to engage in meaningful reflection that will help us identify new and effective ways to improve our Parish, ensuring that it remains a place of welcome, spiritual nourishment, and support for all who enter.
As the end of year approaches, the Vestry remains busy with work on next year’s budget, with our current revenues and expenses, with educational programming for all ages, with the use and maintenance of our buildings, and with the well-being of our Clergy and Staff. Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26th, in the Sanctuary following the church service. While all Vestry meetings are open to all parishioners, the Annual Meeting is a good opportunity to voice concerns and ask questions.
We look forward to a year of growth, connection, and new beginnings. We pray 2025 will be a year of blessings, deepening faith, and continued service to one another in our community
My husband Scott, daughter Sarah and I moved here 28 years ago. We fell in love with Wilmington, the beach, downtown, and St James Parish. We took it is a good omen that our previous church, which we had called home for 12 years-the church where I had been received, Scott had been confirmed, and Sarah had been baptized was also St James. At St. James Church, Goshen, l celebrated in the community of the ECW. I served on the vestry and the Search Committee where we called the church’s first female rector. And it is there that I took EfM.
For our new adventure in Wilmington, we put our faith in God that our prayers were being heard; and our journey guided us to the Transept of St. James Parish. It is here that Sarah was confirmed, was Chaplin at Happening and where we celebrated her wedding.
I consider myself to have been blessed when Jane Rippy and Rachel Pace asked if I would help them in their joyful and snack -filled First Grade Sunday School class. They let me help them for 7 years. What a gift !
I have served as an Adult Formation facilitator for several years prior to being asked to co-mentor and continue to mentor EfM groups for 7 1/2 years. I enjoy meeting new people, gardening, traveling, painting, finding beach glass, and (if you didn’t know) cooking.
In continuing my faith journey and ministry I embrace my calling to EfM, ECW, The Racial and Justice Committee and the Parish Shop.
I am so very humbled, prayerful, and joyful to be asked to be a voice on the vestry, to serve Phillip and in doing so, serve this community of faith. Thank you for your confidence in that voice.
Steve Coggins and his wife Louise have been members of St. James since moving to Wilmington in 2002. Steve served on the Vestry from 2015 through 2018 (Jr. Warden in 2017 and Sr. Warden in 2018), is a former member and President of the St. James Parish Foundation board, Lay Reader, and Usher. He has been involved in parish educational, spiritual and Sunday School programs, outreach, and youth activities. He enjoys Men on Mission, serving at Good Shepherd Ministries and daily SJP Morning Prayer online.
Prior to moving here, Steve lived in Raleigh for 25 years, where he was active at Christ Church in numerous ways, including serving on the Vestry during extensive renovations and a capital campaign, and as Every Member Canvas Chair.
Steve has practiced law since 1978, was the NC Pro Bono Attorney of the Year, has served on the board of numerous charitable non-profits, and is currently the Co-Chair of the first statewide capital campaign for the N.C. Aquariums Society.
St James has been my church home since my husband and I moved to Wilmington from Hickory, NC, in 2003. While at the Church of the Ascension in Hickory I served on the altar guild, as a member of the vestry and as senior warden. When we moved to Wilmington, I joined the St James altar guild. In 2005 I was asked to chair the altar guild and have served in that capacity ever since. I have been active with the Spiritual Growth Committee and assisted with the project of placing Bibles in every sanctuary pew. I regularly participate in weekday morning prayer and on Monday mornings provide a brief overview of the scripture readings for the week. I also write the lesson commentaries that appear in our Sunday bulletin. I have been a part of many of the Wednesday morning Bible studies, as a leader and a participant. I had the honor of being a member of the search committee that recommended calling Phillip Craig to be St James’ rector. My husband Paul died in 2010. I have two children, Gene,who is married to Sherri and lives in Wilmington, and Ashley, who lives on Johns Island SC and is married to Jon.
I moved to Wilmington with my family in 2000 and began my faith journey at a young age in the Baptist Church. After meeting Anne Tyson Grainger while we were in college, we would attend services at Saint James when we were both home. We were married at Mount Lebanon Chapel and after the birth of our daughter, we decided to move back to Wilmington at the end of 2017. Both of our children Walker(7) and Grainger(4) were baptized at Saint James and attended the Day School. Saint James has been such an important part of my personal faith journey and our family, so I decided to be confirmed in 2021. After taking the Praying Shapes Believing class with Chris Hamby, I knew that the Episcopal Church was where I was called to continue my walk with Christ. I find great strength and comfort with the community that Saint James provides. I am currently involved with ushering, Men on a Mission service opportunities, and enjoy cooking Sunday breakfast with our young dads crew. I look forward to being more involved with Saint James through the Vestry and am excited to see this amazing Church continue to grow and fill the faith needs of our community.