Vestry Corner ~ November 2024

At the Vestry’s August Retreat, we spent time discussing our “dreams” for St. James Parish. While the ideas were numerous and varied, they ultimately focused on a couple of areas. One, that we needed to find ways to better utilize our facilities, both for ourselves and to the benefit of others. Two, we needed to look at our current staffing level for ways to improve services for our parishioners of all ages. And three, we needed to increase our funding to improve both the maintenance of our property and our outreach programs.

I am pleased to report that several initiatives have already begun toward achieving these goals. We have had discussions with and now have an on-site meeting scheduled in November with Partners for Sacred Places, whose mission is to “bring people together to find creative ways to maintain and make the most of America’s older and historic houses of worship”, by providing research, training and grants. We have also started a process for developing a long-term maintenance budget. And, steps are underway for shoring up our Christian Education and Pastoral Calling.

Of course, all of this takes more funding, which is why the Finance Committee is asking the Stewardship Committee to seek a ten percent increase over last year’s goal. In 2023, we finished the year with a surplus. In 2024, we are using that surplus to offset a budgeted deficit. We do not have that luxury for the coming year. Simply put, we are growing as a parish, and we need to expand our programs in order to meet the needs and desires of this growth.

If you were in Church last Sunday, you heard Rev. Craig offer a wonderful message on being good stewards with our time, our talents and our resources. As Christians, we desire to feel God’s presence, to hear His call. And when we hear God’s call, we are reminded to “take heart and get up to follow Him”. God has indeed done great things for us, and now is the time to offer praise and thanksgiving. St. James Parish is poised to do wonderful things. With everyone’s help, we will realize those dreams. We can offer everyone access to feel God’s love.

If you have not heard Rev. Craig’s sermon, I encourage you to find it HERE.

Lastly, the time for Vestry Nominations is fast approaching. The Vestry Nomination Committee is being assembled. Soon we will share more information about what it means to be on Vestry and what it is like to serve. If you know of someone or you, yourself, would like to be considered as a candidate for Vestry, please contact one of the wardens to submit your name.

God’s Peace to All.

Alex Murchison – Senior Warden

Rachel Colonna – Junior Warden