Vestry Corner ~ October 2024

We are thankful October is here and our church programs are in full swing. At this point, you should feel plugged into a Sunday Faith Formation group, but if you don’t, there is always time to start attending. Our Sunday mornings are filled with fellowship as we continue to offer morning breakfast, Sunday Faith Formation for all ages, and Sunday service. Please reach out if you have any questions.

We closed out September with our Parish Retreat. It was a special time to step away from the routine of our lives, and think about traveling with Jesus. We hope you’ll save time in your calendar in September 2025 to join us.

As we look ahead our Wednesday night programs will be offered 4 weeks in a row. Please read more to find out the program offerings, sign up for dinners, and find the right time for you to volunteer with meals. There is something for all ages.

While you’re looking at your calendar please mark Sunday, November 24th as a “save the date” for our 295th birthday!On this special Sunday, we’ll give thanks for 295 years of fellowship and community.

The time for Vestry Nominations is fast approaching. The Vestry Nomination Committee is being assembled. Soon we will share more information about what it means to be on Vestry and what it is like to serve. If you know of someone or you, yourself, would like to be considered as a candidate for Vestry, please contact one of the wardens to submit your name.

Our Vestry is working hard to serve you as a member of Parish, but if you see any needs please keep us informed.

Alex Murchison, Senior Warden

Rachel Colonna, Junior Warden