Vestry Corner ~ December 2024

“Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart, through Christ our Lord. Amen”

Holy Eucharist II, BCP

All Vestry meetings begin with a reflection offered by a Vestry person. In November, Tom Dodson provided a timely remembrance on the parable of the Good Samaritan. In the parable, we are reminded of our Christian duty to provide compassion and mercy for all of neighbors. This duty parallels the Mission of St. James: To welcome all to grow in love of God and neighbor. And also our Vision: To build community through ministries that strengthen our faith. The reflections serve as a reminder to all that the work of the vestry is based in our Christian faith.

The Stewardship Pledge Campaign is going well. The number of pledges and the total pledged to date is ahead of last year’s pace for the same time frame. Thank you to all who have pledged this year. There are however, 165 persons/families that pledged last year that so far have not made a commitment to 2025. We need all parishioners to participate. As we approach our 300th birthday, we must remember the generosity of those who helped make this achievement possible. We show our gratitude by providing for those who follow us.

Maintenance of our large and aging campus is a constant challenge. This month we met with Gianfranco Grande with Partners for Sacred Places. Their goal is the preservation of his historic religious buildings and churches. Gianfranco discussed a number of ways that St. James might possibly benefit from involvement with Sacred Places. The Vestry is interested in pursuing some of these opportunities.

The Vestry Nominating Committee for next year has nominated Karen Clark, Steve Coggins, Susan Ingle and David Lee. All four nominees expressed tremendous honor and gratitude in being called to serve in this capacity. A separate entry with a recent photo and short biography of their involvement with St. James is included in this Grapevine.

As the end of year approaches, the Vestry remains busy with work on next year’s budget, with our current revenues and expenses, with educational programming for all ages, with the use and maintenance of our buildings, and with the well-being of our Clergy and Staff. Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26th, in the Sanctuary following the church service. While all Vestry meetings are open to all parishioners, the Annual Meeting is a good opportunity to voice concerns and ask questions.

Peace and Blessings to all as the Christmas Season approaches.

Alex Murchison, Senior Warden

Rachel Colonna, Junior Warden

Meet Our Vestry Candidates