Vestry Corner ~ September 2024

“The gifts of God for the people of God. Take them in remembrance that Christ died for you, and feed on Him in your hearts with praise and thanksgiving.”

We hear this offering at every service of the Eucharist. Do you ever stop to ask yourself “Why do I go to church?” I suspect the answers might have more in common than we might first believe. Consider these: for renewal; to seek forgiveness for something done or maybe not done; for the joy of friendship and fellowship; for the music or a good sermon. Whatever the answer, the greatest reward is simply being reminded of God’s love for us, and to be reminded that He is always available when we seek Him.

On September 8th, we will once again gather as one in our beautiful downtown Sanctuary. Another season of serenity at Mount Lebanon Chapel will have passed as we welcome all to another year of spiritual growth. The opportunity to learn about the numerous missions at St. James and to get involved will be available. Every group at St. James Parish welcomes new volunteers. Even a couple of hours a month can be a big help, and so rewarding. It is God’s call to us to help the less fortunate.

The Vestry held their retreat in early August. On Friday night, we heard a presentation by Laura Vinson, the director of the St. Mary’s Health and Dental Clinic. Laura talked about the history of the Clinic, the services provided to their patients, and their current search for a new location. Your Vestry is very interested in looking for ways that SJP might assist the clinic in finding a new home to ensure its continuation and growth. Our older parishioners might recall our early support of Good Shepherd Ministries and its success. On Saturday morning of our retreat, Mary Evans led the vestry on a broad discussion on the miracle of church fundraising and encouraged us to create our “vision” for St. James. As we considered this vision, it became apparent that a thorough plan for the efficient use of our facilities is needed. We are already working on this need.

God’s Peace and Blessings to all.

Alex Murchison – Senior Warden

Rachel Colonna – Junior Warden