Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation classes offer many opportunities for parishioners and community members to engage with scripture, spirituality, and other topics. During the Faith Formation hour on Sunday mornings September through May, there will typically be different formats to choose from. Once a month we gather all adult classes for a special time of formation together.

Our offerings have included:

Contacts: The Rev. Gray Hodsdon, [email protected], Frances Trask, [email protected], & Carrie Young, [email protected].

Outside of Sunday School, there are several opportunities for adults to participate in small groups and times of fellowship. Some great groups for new attendees to consider. Click through some of the options to see what might be a good fit for you.

Upcoming Formation Opportunities


March 15 @ 9:00 am

The season of Lent is a time for prayer and self-reflection. A time to Turn out the Lights, and wonder about new light that might come in.Ā Ā It is time to create space to reflect on the life and death of Jesus.


Disciples’ Class

Sundays | 9:10 a.m. | The Lippitt Room or via Zoom The Disciples Class was established some years ago for those who seek to know more about what it means …

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