Glory Ridge



From Jonathan Graves

Every morning at Glory Ridge, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder atop the ridge, praying together before we set out to our respective work sites. At the dawn of the week, I found my mind weaving around the enormous potential that we, as human beings, possess to leave a positive imprint in the world. Cookie, our leader, had asked me to share a few words with the group, and this concept of potentiality continued to stir within my thoughts.

One quiet evening, under the broad shelter of a mighty oak tree, I stumbled upon an acorn. This tiny seed held within it the blueprint to grow into the same vast entity I was leaning against. Furthermore, with the passage of time, this single acorn could spawn the seeds for hundreds of thriving forests.

As I stood before our assembly, holding this small acorn aloft, I narrated this epiphany. I directed the group’s attention toward the magnificent oak tree resting at the foot of our hill, a silent yet resilient testament to nature’s tenacity. Remarkably, this grand oak, I explained, had its humble beginnings as an acorn, akin to the one in my hand.

It might sound surreal, but under the right conditions – sunlight, soil, water, time – this inconspicuous acorn could transform into a stately oak, a sentinel that would stand for centuries and provide a home to countless forms of life.

This transformation of the acorn into an oak, I shared, was an allegory for our own life’s journey. Whether we are young folks discovering our place in the world or adults shouldering multiple responsibilities, each of us is like this acorn, containing within us the capacity for growth and transformation. Here at Glory Ridge, each task we undertake, however small it might seem, is akin to planting an acorn.

Each stroke of the paintbrush, each nail we hammer in, each plank we carefully lay down, helps transform a simple house into a loving home, an animal shelter into a sanctuary, a ramp into a lifeline, a deck into a cherished place of relaxation and peace. These actions might appear minor, much like this acorn, but they contribute towards a larger purpose. They are the seeds from which a vibrant, resilient community emerges.

During the peacefulness of our evening worship, I was struck by a thought: the work we undertake isn’t just about the tangible outcomes we produce. It’s about our personal growth, too. We’re all in a constant state of growth and evolution, similar to the oak that sprouts from an acorn.

With this acorn as our symbol, let us remember to stay grounded, to keep striving, and to remember that every action, no matter how small, is a step towards achieving our full potential.

In my hand, one tiny acorn holds the power to seed 1,000 forests over time. Just one single acorn. So, whenever you feel small or insignificant, recall that within you is a potential that is immense and transformative, enabling you to grow into something beautiful… just like the acorn.

As we ended the day, I invited everyone in the circle to share their thoughts, “What do you hope to contribute or plant this week to watch grow?” And now, through this newsletter, I extend this question to you, the reader. What seed will you plant?

Glory Ridge is a sanctuary – one of those “ thin” places where we glimpse the kingdom of God and Jesus, the carpenter who still heals. We live and see His glorious creation for a week and are invited to serve others and each other and Make Work Worship . – Jane Rippy

Glory Ridge. It is an amazing place, a glorious mission field where our teenagers freely participate in all manner of manual labor, hammering, drilling, sawing, lifting, all to make a difference in the lives of the disadvantaged people they serve in Madison County. Disconnected for a week from the electronic environment they normally inhabit, they communicate not with words typed on a screen, but with verbal conversation and they are not shy to voice their appreciation to us for that newfound freedom to engage face to face. The scenery on the ridge is unmatched and each evening as we gather to worship the sun drops behind the clouds setting the sky on fire in stunning shades of red and gold while a thousand fireflies present their nightly light show. God is so very present among us – youth and adults alike – and He makes Himself known in countless ways. Glory Ridge. A magnificent place, a glorious experience. Marietta Gwathmey

A Prayer for the Ridge

On this mountain ridge, under Your vast sky,

We stand in awe, surrounded by peaks of Your design,

In every vista, every breath of crisp air, we witness Your artistry.

We remember the rhythm of the rain, a symphony of Your voice,

Each drop a blessing, nurturing the roots of the ancient oak,

Whispering of Your ceaseless love.

In the sunrise, friendships blossom, like wildflowers in mountain stone,

Each shared smile, a thread weaving us into a vibrant community.

We embrace the work ahead, seeing not burdens, but opportunities,

Inspired by the resilience of the mountain oak, we serve, mend, build,

With every action, we carry out Your work.

We sense Your spirit surrounding us, a guiding light amidst these peaks,

In the beauty of these mountains, the bonds formed, the nurturing rain,

And in the work that awaits, we find our purpose, drawing strength from the oak.

For all of these blessings, we offer our gratitude,

May our efforts mirror the oak’s resilience and reach towards the sky.


Glory Ridge 2023

June 2023, our St. James Youth and their advisors traveled to Glory Ridge to serve the community there.