Congregational Care
Congregational Care is crucial to our St James family. During hard times and happy times for our members, Congregational Care ministries show love and support to one another through a variety of ministries. Our vision is to strengthen the community and our faith through giving and receiving. Lay members as well as our clergy consider it a privilege to be present for one another. Please consider being part of one or more of these ministries.
It is in giving that we receive, and more volunteers would be welcomed!
Care Guild
Members visit parishioners who are homebound or in care facilities. These visits cheer the residents and often connect Care Guild members with extended family. Visits last from 15-45 minutes. Many …
Flower Guild
Following each Sunday’s services, members of the Flower Guild rotate delivering the altar flowers to parishioners in hospitals, nursing homes, homes or to those celebrating special events. Names of recipients …
Hospital Visitors
This is a group of St. James parishioners who participated in the 14-module COHI training. They have hospital minister badges and visit parishioners who are in the hospital. Please contact …
Prayer Team
This is a Confidential Prayer Group of dedicated St James parishioners who offer daily intercessory prayer for the needs and concerns of members and friends of St James Parish. All …
St. Martha’s Guild
St. Martha’s Guild provides care to St. James parishioners by delivering meals to the sick, the bereaved and to families with new babies. We also write notes, make phone calls …