An important part of our heritage as Episcopalians is that our lives are centered around worship which engages the energies of the entire congregation, rather than a performance by the clergy. Therefore, full and deliberate participation by everyone is encouraged by singing hymns, psalms, and canticles; in reciting prayers together; and by joining together in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. Central to our worship experience is the Book of Common Prayer, an excellent liturgical resource which contains prayers, psalms, service liturgies, and lectionaries, providing a strong base for Christian faith and worship.
Commission Contacts: Dawn Carter, [email protected], Todd Hinshaw, [email protected], Mary Lyons Rouse, [email protected], & The Rev. Phillip Craig, [email protected]
Mark Your Calendar
SJP: Holy Eucharist Rite I
Come worship with us at St. James! Our 8:00 a.m. service follows the Rite I liturgy.
SJP: Holy Eucharist Rite II
Our 10:15 a.m. service offers Rite II liturgy and wonderful music presented by the St. James Choir.
Holy Eucharist
Join us in the St. James Chapel for a Noonday Eucharist. Come partake in Holy Communion each Wednesday throughout the year.
St. James Choir Rehearsal
All who are interested are warmly invited to join the St. James Choir for our weekly evening practice.
SJP: Holy Eucharist Rite I
Come worship with us at St. James! Our 8:00 a.m. service follows the Rite I liturgy.
Live Stream Worship
Join us for online worship on Sunday mornings. Service starts at 10:15 a.m. EST If the below link is broken, please visit our YouTube Page or our Facebook Page to …
Worship Ministries
An important part of our heritage as Episcopalians is that our lives are centered around worship which engages the energies of the entire congregation, rather than a performance by the …
Music & Choirs
The musical heritage of the Episcopal Church is one of the worldâs richest and most deeply spiritual musical traditions, and music is a central part of our liturgy at St. …
Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which the candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands …
Advent at St. James
Advent is a time of joy and anticipation. Come join online and in-person opportunities to worship and engage with your St. James family. Please refer to the schedule below to …