Where to Park

VISITORS’ Parking- Sunday Makes it easy!
Where does a first-time visitor park at St. James?
Handicap Parking – St. James has a limited number of “Handicap Only” curbside parking spaces on our grounds. The spaces nearest the Church are along the curved driveway between the Sanctuary and the Bacon House. More Handicap marked spaces are accessed from Dock Street, and are proximate to Lee Perry Hall.
On-Street Parking – curbside parking is frequently available on Market Street, on 3rd Street (on either side of Market), and on Dock Street, immediately behind St. James.
Parking Lot Availability – immediately across Market Street is a bank, which has a sizeable parking lot available for our use on Sundays only. Many from St. James find this the most convenient parking. There is also another small lot directly across Dock St from the Bacon House where some park (again, only on Sundays). Finally, Wells Insurance has been gracious enough to allow parking in their lot located farther west along the north side of Market Street, behind the Wells Insurance building.
While visiting be sure to check with one of our Greeters for more information!
