Worship Ministries
An important part of our heritage as Episcopalians is that our lives are centered around worship which engages the energies of the entire congregation, rather than a performance by the clergy. Therefore, full and deliberate participation by everyone is encouraged by singing hymns, psalms, and canticles; in reciting prayers together; and by joining together in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. Central to our worship experience is the Book of Common Prayer, an excellent liturgical resource which contains prayers, psalms, service liturgies, and lectionaries, providing a strong base for Christian faith and worship.
St. James Greeter Ministry
Greeters are our frontline representatives, welcoming God's guests to St. James. You will see these wonderful folks each Sunday morning, and at special events, …
Music & Choirs
The musical heritage of the Episcopal Church is one of the world's richest and most deeply spiritual musical traditions, and music is a central part of our liturgy at St. James. Sacred music …Acolyte
Acolytes are 5th - 12th graders who participate and help lead the 10:15 am worship service!
Contacts: Gray Hodsdon, [email protected], Kathy Bush, [email protected]
Altar Guild
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
For Guidelines sharing what to expect when you…
Read More »Linen Guild
These volunteers are responsible for the weekly laundry and care of the altar linens. Teams divide this responsibility yearly. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Topsy James at [email protected].
Seasonal Decoration
Helping behind the scenes to enhance the seasons of the church with thoughtfully planned, lovingly crafted, and theologically driven decor is our Seasonal Decor team! If you would like to be a part of decorating our parish, this is the ministry for you.
Often robed in grey and black, vergers function as the leader of the procession. They help direct the flow of service and often serve to direct Acolytes as needed.
Wedding Guild
Wedding Guild members are present at the weddings held at St. James Church to assist the clergy and the wedding parties. Teams of two volunteers serve two weddings per season (typically May to August).
Contact: Billie Holland, [email protected]